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Page history last edited by Jason S 8 years, 5 months ago


Name  Session 
Jason S.  D&D





Name Session
Amelia Drawing on Paper, floors and small animals that will sit still long enough. Beginners and Intermediate Sessions
Amelia Impromptu Hat Theater!  (Will be loaning out various props for mischief) 

How to balance a beer bottle on a toddler's head. (Kidding-Maybe).  

Jason H. Look at the clouds. No really. The real clouds.
Winnie Mobile web development: what happens when you move industrious arachnids



Name Session
Amelia How to suck on a boob in public and make people feel guilty for staring.
Jason H. The 10 Stages of The Hoff.  When saying "In YOUR FACE" and pointing isn't enough.
  Rock Band Unplugged (aka AcoustiKaraoke)
Mike & Winnie WoW unplugged 2.0 - Learn to play the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game
Coley Bring Me Your Bug. Using my internal insect dictionary and bug Bag and Badge Magic™, I will tell you the kind of bug you have brought to me!
Winnie How to paint boobies and pass it off as art.



Name Session
Winnie and Mike Bacon makes everything better™ 6.0 - Japanese fusion with bacon featuring Takoyaki and Bacoyaki
Eris History Class: The Mojito
Jason S A Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition sample adventure (no, seriously)
Jonathan S Paper Model Making 101: Or, what four years of Architecture School and a dozen paper cuts can do for you! (Or, who wants to build a paper Millennium Falcon or a AT-ST?)
Kristin Fun with socks. Building your own sock creature of joy/doom. (Bring a cute pair of kid socks - no ankle socks)



Name Session
MJ Stargazing and counting of shooting stars - mandatory to all foo's
Jason H InRiver Bench construction 101
Winnie & Mike World of Warcraft the board game
Kristin Sock Creature Birthing - How many peeps are Sock Builders??? Buying socks on tuesday/wednesday- Hugs for Socks Bringers
Glenda Upstream Whiffleball Home Run Derby
Mike Get your nerd on: Learn to play Magic: The Gathering




Name Session
Kevin C Texas Hold'em? Mafia? How to draw?ß
Mike, Winnie and Alison Anyone can paint!
Ashley & Brendon AcoustiKaraoke
Brendon An hour long lecture on why this is technically CampCamp either 2.1 or 2.2
Jonathan Snippet cooking sessions with me and possibly Kevin (that is, if his drunk ass isn't passed out in a lawn chair in the middle of the river) XD
Morgan Print making 101 - how to make lino-block prints
MJ Stargazing and counting of shooting stars - mandatory to all foo's
MJ My Momma vs Your Momma - accent/stereotype immitation smackdown tournament - bring your best accents, slang and smack downs





Name Session
Kevin C Mafia Redux
Jackson River float cancelled by popular demand. Instead, let's make a movie and put it on teh innerwebs! Now accepting story ideas.
Glenda Upstream Whiffleball Home Run Derby
Eris Rock Climbing .301 Difficulty Level: No Beer Spillage
Winona and Mike World of Warcraft Unplugged
Jason S Possibly some new-agey meditation shit, possibly teaching mad string tricks a la cat's cradle
Jonathan Late Night ILON CHEFU! Or maybe just snacks for the hungry.



Name Session
Kevin C Tahoe Wii Tennis Open
MJ Cocoa - The Hot kind. Having nothing to do with apples or macs. May be spiked.
Jason H Stealth Cocktailing - How to make a drink that's 90% alcohol before anyone (elea!) notices
Winona & Mike Tahoe Idol - Sing and Dance mode on Karaoke Revolution Party



Name Session
Min Jung  
Jackson How to Play Spades (AKA Bid Whist) For Fun and Profit
Kevin Mafia the Game
Glenda Astronomy 101 Under The Influence
George Music Theory (aka iPod Shuffle singalong without the iPod)
Ashley & Brendon AcoustiKaraoke
Nicole How to sleep 12 hours a day



Name Session
Min Jung How to use an asian accent and cook awesome
Jeff Coping with technology withdrawals on a budget
Glenda Astronomy 101 Under The Influence
Sergio How to Open Beer Bottles with a Lighter
KC Texasholdemcamp
Eric How to Break Stuff
Matt Skipping Stones
George Music Theory (aka karaoke with acoustic guitar)
Jason Bedtime stories
Kevron Redneck Special Olympics
Alicia The lost art of lounging
Jackson Fishin' and Foragin' fer Food (Field Studies)
Josh Hiking, finding and using water in nature without getting sick
Eris Bio-Chem 101: Turning Almost Anything Into Carbon


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